
7,00 $180,00 $

  • Ideal for: All occasions
  • Artist: Marjo
  • Author/Composer: Donald Hince, Roger Belval, Marjo, Jean Millaire
  • Album: Tant qu’il y aura des enfants
  • Original Key: D


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Original Key: [D]

Ailleurs, an ideal song for all occasions

« Ailleurs » by Marjo is an anthem to the search for identity. It expresses a profound desire to escape, break away from the routine, and rediscover a lost self. The lyrics of the song encourage the pursuit of freedom, independence, and the quest for self. Marjo sings it with emotional intensity that reflects the visceral need for change. The song is a heartfelt cry for anyone who feels the need to break away from the everyday and find their true path in life. Marjo, an iconic figure in the Quebec music scene, has had a career rich in success and recognition. However, « Ailleurs » has not received major awards, as the song’s success is more about its personal significance to many listeners and its ability to evoke a universal sense of the need for change. The song has left a lasting impact with its message of a desire for escape and freedom, continuing to inspire countless listeners over time.



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