The Replica Standard
The Replica Standard is a set of rigorous rules that govern the work of our specialists. Regardless of whoever transcribes the sheet music, you are assured that it will be visually uniform and that its content will be accurate.
The quality of our sheet music is strictly controlled.
At Replica, we care about rapidly delivering High-quality sheet music with precise, clear and consistent musical content. It is the reason we have put in place a quality control system that has been established according to a high standard.
Each sheet music is thoroughly revised.
Indeed, a minimum of two professional musicians and specialists collaborate in the transcription and revision of each sheet music before its delivery.
The sheet music is delivered quickly
Our team now has 9 different instrument specialists who share the workload. They are therefore never overloaded.
Sheet music adapted to your needs
Whether you play music as a hobby, or are a professional musician, a music teacher, a producer or a musical director, we will provide sheet music adapted to your needs. We have several standardized products that are suitable for a majority of customers, and we offer customized products if you have specific requests.
Chord sheet
The chord sheet is ideal for musicians looking for a low-budget group work tool.
Targeted users
Perfect for groups of music students as well as professionals or semi-professionals musicians who can read chords.
Lead sheet
The general lead sheet is ideal for musicians looking for a tool to work in groups, while reducing their personal preparation time.
Targeted users
Perfect for groups of professional or semi-professional musicians who can read chords, for music students, and for low-budget productions.
Chord Sheet with Lyrics and Melody
The chord sheet with melody and lyrics is ideal for singers who wish to accompany themselves, or be accompanied by a professional musician. Music teachers also like this product, for example, to teach a song to a group of students.
Targeted users
Perfect for singing teachers or their students, singers who are auditioning, and teachers in primary or secondary school.
Rhythm Section Parts
The rhythm section parts product is the most complete. It is ideal for musicians who wish to significantly reduce their personal preparation time. It is also intended for amateur musicians who wish to have complete information to perform their interpretation.
Targeted Users
Perfect for professional or amateur musicians who can improvise and read chord and notes, music students, large-scale productions, television shows and galas.
Choir score
The choir score is ideal for amateur or professional choir as well as the pianists who accompany them.
Targeted Users
Ideal for professional or amateur pianists who know how to read notes and chords, professional or amateur choirs, choirmasters
Piano accompaniment
The piano accompaniment sheet music is ideal for amateur or professional pianists who want to accompany a singer or themselves.
Targeted Users
Ideal for amateur pianists who know how to read notes, piano teachers, singing teachers.
Piano as recorded
The piano as recorded sheet music is ideal for amateur or professional pianists who want to perform a piece exactly as heard on the recording.
Targeted Users
Amateur pianists who know how to read notes, piano teachers, singing teachers, professional musicians
Piano and vocals
The piano and vocals sheet music is ideal for amateur or professional pianists who want to accompany a singer while having a visual reference to follow them well.
Targeted Users
Perfect for amateur pianists who know how to read notes, piano teachers, singing teachers
You don’t know what type of sheet music to choose?
Check out the items included on each type of sheet music.